
Some contents were not updated here since I’m really busy with work.
I still upload the contents on my social media.

Click CONTACT button below for my social media accounts.
You can dm me for any concerns.

Thank you.



November 222021 American Music Awards10:00AM KST 
November 24The Grammy Nomination Announcement2:00AM KST 
November 24The Late Late Show with James Corden2:30PM KST 
November 25WIB: Indonesia Kpop Awards9:00PM KST 
November 28Permission To Dance On-Stage in LA (DAY 1)12:30PM KST 
November 29Permission To Dance On-Stage in LA (DAY 2)12:30PM KST 


You can contact me through DMs and Email.
Click on the platform that you preferred below.
I only upload contents on my SNS below.

For Instagram, I'm on private to protect my account.